Salaam... I was advised by one of my blogreaders who labelled him/herself as Anonymous.. Thanks for your honest respond, dude/gal. I think you got confused with my position. Well, this is my position.
I go by the name, Mohd Yassin bin Mohd Yunus. I was born on 7th August 1992 in a tranquil district called Tawau. I love discussions and debates; yet I have no problem with defeat. Well, sometimes, I do.
I am frankly an Islamic fighter. I fight for anything that Islam demands and what Al-Qur`an says, and I am hardly a futile man. When I see one thing as true in accordance to Al-Qur`an and Hadith of Muhammad SAW, I will defend it till the end.
Till my last breath. I do not care what people want to label me.
For me, everything that is true is not supposedly be strived in bad ways (demonstration, wars, battles) because weaponry is not humans' greatest power. But mind is.
Call me anything - biased, apologetic, terrorist, weak-minded or even pro-Zionis. I know my position and the things I do. I know my aim and vision. I have got reasons and evidences for it.
Oh yeah:- if you feel dissatisfied with me, tell me. I will alwyas there to have some discussions. I will freely accept any results in the end.
"O Allah, I am only a servant, craving for Your bless. My heart longs your rahmaat, my soul misses Your shafa`ah. I beg You Allah, if I am doing the wrong thing, aid me to the Right Path. Amiiinn..."
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Both are my main references; my sources of inspiration and my manhaj of determination. |
Guys, if by rejecting 'BERSIH 2.0' makes me a biased person, then the Fatwa leader of Al-Azhar, Syeikh Saeed Ameris also a biased person. *What does he say?* he says..
A leading scholar from al-Azhar said on Friday that protesting is forbidden in Islam. Saeed Amer, head of the Fatwa – religious opinions – Committee at Al Azhar, Egypt and the Sunni Islamic world leading Sunni institute told Al Shourok newspaper that demonstrations that cause violence is haram, or forbidden, within the religion. Amer added that even peaceful protest is also forbidden.
"As for peaceful demonstrations it is rejected in Islam as Islam never witnessed such phenomena," al-Shourok reported. Al-Azhar is the most influential Islamic institution in the country, however, in recent years it has become more in line with the government and most Egyptians have ignored fatwas that have been released. When asked about what thinks about the deaths caused by state security violence, Amer said that if the police was defending the country, then it is okay and those who die will be judged by God.
"Only God knows if the deceased, civilian or police, is a martyr," the newspaper quoted him saying. His comments come as Egyptians continue mass demonstrations aimed at ousting President Hosni Mubarak from power. According to reports on the ground, over 100 people have been killed since protests began on January 25.
And our religious protector who is also our Sultan, DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung; is being biased. He said;
Beta sedang mengikuti dengan teliti akan perkembangan cadangan Kumpulan Bersih untuk mengadakan perarakan dan perhimpunan beramai-ramai yang bertujuan untuk menyerahkan memorandum kepada Beta selaku Yang di-Pertuan Agong, dan bagaimana pihak kerajaan menangani isu ini khususnya agensi-agensi dan jabatan-jabatan yang terlibat.
Namun Beta yakin kepimpinan negara di bawah Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak berkemampuan untuk menangani masalah ini dengan sebaik mungkin.
Beta menyeru di dalam keghairahan sebahagian rakyat berpolitik bagi menyuburkan demokrasi dalam negara kita ini hendaklah dipastikan juga bahawa tuntutan demokrasi itu tidak akan membawa kemusnahan kepada negara.
Kita tidak boleh terlalu terikut-ikut dengan amalan-amalan negara-negara luar secara umumnya kerana keharmonian dan kestabilan negara adalah asas penting bagi sesebuah negara yang perlu semua pihak pertahankan.
Beta juga menyeru kepada pihak kerajaan agar melaksanakan segala amanah yang diberikan kepada rakyat secara adil dan bijaksana dan yang pentingnya Beta selaku Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak mahu melihat dalam negara bermasyarakat majmuk ini berada di dalam keadaan bermusuhan sesama sendiri ataupun sebahagian rakyatnya bermusuh dengan kerajaan atas apa jua alasan pun.
Setiap permasalahan yang timbul, kita sebagai masyarakat bertamadun hendaklah menyelesaikan secara rundingan dan tidak mengikut perasaan seperti pepatah Melayu ‘Yang Dikejar Tak Dapat Yang Dikendong Berciciran’.
Hakikatnya, demonstrasi jalanan banyak membawa keburukan daripada kebaikan walaupun niat asalnya baik.
Sebaliknya, kita harus menumpukan kepada matlamat utama memajukan negara, bukannya mencipta masalah yang membuat negara berada terkebelakang. Ingatlah bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan, lautan mana yang tidak bergelora.
Itulah pentingnya sifat kesederhanan dan tolak ansur yang telah begitu lama diamalkan oleh warisan pentadbiran negara.
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