Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Kelmarin, kelas English Language Proficiency yang terakhir. Sebelum tu, kami disuruh menyiapkan esei ringkas berkenaan tema yang telah diberikan dan saya mendapat tema SUKAN. Kelamkabut dibuatnya, bila Ooi tiba-tiba umum dengan seluruh kelas untuk meng-email esei yang telah siap ditaip kepada penyelaras ELP LS kami, Puan Lim Boon Yan. Nak baca sikit? Ini..

Pada petangnya, kami dipinta untuk duduk dalam halaqah (bulatan) secara berkumpulan. Saya, Nadiah dan Kelly Chu yang mendapat satu tema yang sama, maka perbincangan antara kami adalah seratus peratus berkenaan sukan. 

Pengucapan dimulai dengan Kelly. Dengan tajuk, 'Advantages In Sports' dia bentang dengan teliti dan jelas, tiada ulasan lanjut untuk speech dia. Apapun, agak lucu bila saya mendapat tajuk bersifat paradoks and kontradiktif dengan tajuk yang saya pilih. Walau bagaimanapun, saya hormati pendapatnya.:)

Seterusnya Bro Nadiah. Seorang wanita (!!) yang sangat geliga. Perkara yang dia pilih selalu kontroversi dan provokatif. Adakah dipilihnya tajuk 'Gender Equality In Sport'. Seperti biasa, topik yang melibatkan perbezaan serta perdebatan kurang saya minati (tengok topiklah). Saya tidak mahu ada perdebatan berjela, akhirnya ada yang sakit hati. Apapun bro, you've done it excellently. 

Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Sport.

   A very good morning to our lecturer, Madam Lim Boon Yan and fellow friends. The reason I stand before you is to cover a topic which is probably the least interesting for youths that is, sport and its disadvantages. Well, what is sport? You may ask.

            In Oxford’s online dictionary, sport is defined as an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment’. Through self experience, I comprehend sport as physical activity that involves the use of energy with some physical outcomes, without bothering whether the activity is a competition or not.

            Talking about sport--personally--I hate it, because it uses so much energy and can be tiresome, too. Objectively speaking, sport had influenced our generations so much; all their free time was spent on sport; in television, video games or on the field. It is a good thing actually, but too much time spent on it may cause the sense of negligence towards other things to germinate.

            Besides, sport can also lead to the waste of money. How? Simple. Try to observe people—especially men—during the FIFA World Cup season. From snow caps, to shirts—everything is imbued with the spirit of football. They waste money on things that are less useful or unnecessary. It sounds so fictional, but unfortunately the statistic shows that on FIFA 1994, 635 million USD was spent by the people in Los Angeles alone. Yes, it did give some dynamics in global economic graphs, but one thing that we should understand is that sport has become a new capitalistic weapon. The poor get poorer, as the result of spending too much in FIFA; whilst the elite get even richer by every second the game happens.

            Take another example, on FIFA 2010 Africa, 40 billion rand ($5.17 billion) was spent by the African government in order to execute the sport festival. Daily News & Analysis has reportedly stated that the benefit is not so exciting. Why do not the government use the money to modernise their country? Why do not they use that one heck of cash to build infrastructures and renewable energy generators for the people? Or at least—seriously—to the people, whom cried day by day, begging for a spoon of rice?

            To end my speech, I would once again consolidate my opinion that sport does have negative feedbacks. Though its disadvantages are small in number, but if we analyse them wisely, the advantages that sport gives can never cover the scars it left, especially to the poor country. Thank you.

Dan terakhir saya, dengan tajuk seperti yang di atas. Saya kira, ini esei berkenaan sukan pertama saya semenjak berada di sini. Jujur--saya tidak meminati sukan, apalagi FIFA, Olimpik et cetera, et cetera. Nak tahu kenapa? Baca esei di atas.

Bukan mengutus surat perang dengan bakalan atlit serta ahli sukan, cuma mengisytiharkan pertempuran ideologi dengan FIFA. Saya mungkin kerdil, namun kepercayaan bahawa bukan saya saja seorang muslim yang menentang festival sukan ini sentiasa menguatkan diri saya. Contoh: Nik Nur Madihah.

Tidak salah kiranya bersukan.. tetapi kalau sudah abai agama, abai solat dan ibadah, abaikan amanah dan sokong kesyaitanan, maka ianya jadi haraam. Cuba lihat kaca televisyen bila Manchester United dan  Liverpool beraksi..



Meraikan syaitan; sedang dalam Surah Yaasiin, ayat 60 Allah SWT berfirman, 

"Bukankah Aku telah perintahkan kamu wahai anak-anak Adam, supaya kamu jangan menyembah Syaitan? Sesungguhnya dia musuh yang nyata terhadap kamu!"

Wallahu`alam fis tsawwab

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